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How To Install Disc Brake Anti Rattle Clips How To Install

Disc brake anti rattle clips

Check and double check that the anti-rattle clip is properly installed and secure before riding your motorcycle. An improperly installed anti-rattle clip can interfere with the operation of the brake pads, potentially causing a loss of control or braking performance. Jul 24, 2011  Anti Rattle Clips I left my clips off the first time I did a brake job. These clips hold the pads in place to keep them from rattling and wearing out the cast metal surface on the steering knuckle where the pads meet.

Parts that would be needed

Brake rotors

Brake Pads

Brake Pad sensors

Brake disc set screw

Anti rattle clip Convert ex4 to mq4 free.

Anti Squeal Compound

Anti Seize spray

Tools that would be needed

Jack to lift up your BMW

Socket (to remove tires)

Allen Wrench (to remove the set screw)


Brush or air compressor (to clean as you go along)

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Installation Guidelines

  • Prepare all parts and tools, make sure you have all parts before you begin.

  • You may want to loosen the wheel lugs prior to start just in case they are 'frozen' if that is the case, just bring your BMW to the local tire/gas station to have it loosen and of course tightened back up.

  • Now you are ready to go! Jack up your car (remember to follow ALL safety instructions by the vehicle manufacturer.

  • Use the sockets to remove the wheel and remove the anti rattle clip. On sides with the brake pad sensor, remove the connection to the brake pad.

How To Install Disc Brake Anti Rattle Clips

  • Remove the Caliper guide bolts (caps too)

  • Remove the Caliper (if the caliper does not slide right now, which is usually the case, use the C-clamp to clamp the solid part of the caliper to the face of the rotor, the caliper will be easily removed)

Disc Brake Anti Rattle Clips

  • Provide support to the caliper so that it does not hang on its own and thus destroying the brake hose. (try to use something better than what is picture to hold the caliper!)

  • Remove the brake pads from the caliper

  • Remove the set screw and remove the brake rotor carefully (its heavy!). A rubber hammer maybe needed as the rotor maybe seized to the hub,

  • Clean up the area around the wheel hub flange with the air compressor or just a simple brush.

  • Position the new rotor onto the wheel hub and install a new set screw to hold the rotor in place.

  • Clean up the rotor with a clean cloth or brake cleaners

  • Install the mounting bracket for the caliper.

  • Push the caliper piston using a C-clamp into the caliper and make sure its in place.

  • Install the brake pads into the Caliper, installed the inner pad then install the outer brake pad.

  • Once this is done, remember to install the new brake pad sensor and connect it to the brake pad.

  • Position the caliper over the brake disc, install the guide bolts and the anti rattle clip.

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  • At the mounting location, apply some anti seize compound, do make sure that it does not get onto the rotor surface (where the brake pad grips)

  • Make sure everything is in its proper location and secured.

  • Reinstall the wheel and lower your BMW back down.. Work on the other wheels and follow the same guidelines..

  • Once done..TAKE SOME NICE PICTURES :) and you just saved yourself a few hundred $$$

The installation guide is for reference only. Please refer to the vehicle’s service manual or professional installer for complete instructions.

How To Install Disc Brake Anti Rattle Clips

You can also download a PDF copy of this guide Here.

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Ninety percent of the brake pad changes you make during the life of your vehicle will be to the front brakes because they do 60% to 70% of the braking. On most cars, you can look through the openings on the outside of the wheel/rim assembly to see the pads. On some vehicles, you may have to remove the wheel to see the pads. Look at it from above or the side. The pad will be pressed against the shiny metal rotor. The best way to inspect a pad is through visual inspection. If the pad depth is less than 3/16 inch, plan on replacing it soon. If it’s less than 1/8 inch, you should change the brakes immediately.

You can also tell if the brakes should be replaced if you hear noise from the wear sensor on the pad. However, some parts do not have wear sensor clips, i.e. noisemaking clips that are mounted on the brake pad to tell you when the pads need to be changed. If you hear a screeching sound when you apply the brakes, then you are due for a brake change. (If the sound is more like a metal rasp or grinding sound, then you’ve already damaged your rotors and need to fix the brakes immediately.)